Topical Finasteride – Minoxidil Spray Explained 


There are two medications that have been clinically proven to treat male pattern hair loss – Finasteride and Minoxidil. Sons’ popular topical spray consists of both medications and provides men with the best possible chance of treating male pattern hair loss. In this article, we explain who the spray is for, what the main ingredients are, and how you can use it in your fight against hair loss.

What is male pattern hair loss?

Before we dive in and look at how a topical spray can help you, we need to explain what male pattern hair loss actually is. Androgenetic alopecia – male pattern hair loss – is a genetic condition that affects millions of men in the UK every year. Some men notice the symptoms from their late teens, while others start seeing signs of hair thinning by their fifties. Ultimately, men of all ages can be affected by male pattern hair loss. But the good news is that there are several treatments you can try if you want to do something about it.

Who can benefit from using the spray?


Topical spray is a good option for people who are unable to take oral Finasteride, which is typically the most common way to take hair loss medication. Instead of taking the tablets, you can apply the spray to the affected areas of your scalp on a daily basis. It also benefits from the inclusion of Minoxidil, which helps to revitalise blood flow to your hair follicles, which can improve their growth rate. If you consistently apply the spray over a number of months, you’re likely to see some improvements in the way that your hair grows on your head.

The topical spray is exceptionally easy to use, which is another benefit. You simply apply it to the affected areas of your scalp and await results. Consistent application is extremely important and you need to use the spray in the long run if you wish to see results. For instance, most men see results beyond the 3-4 month mark, so you will need to be patient as the spray works its magic.

Which ingredients are included in the spray?

As the name indicates, the two primary ingredients in the spray are Finasteride and Minoxidil. Both medications are FDA approved to treat male pattern hair loss, and men typically see the best results when they use them together. A study from 2004 discovered that both medications are effective and safe when it comes to treating male pattern hair loss, hence their inclusion in the topical spray. In fact, both medications have been widely studies and their efficacy as hair loss treatments has been widely publisiced by various scientific publications.

But Finasteride and Minoxidil are not the only ingredients in the topical spray. They combine with the likes of glycerol, alcohol, patchouli oil, and tea tree oil to provide you with the best chance of achieving your hair growth goals. The inclusion of tea tree oil is particularly effective because it has been proven to maintain healthy and moisturised hair that can reduce the impact of hair loss in men. Should you use the spray correctly over a long period of time, you will have an excellent chance of combatting hair loss caused by male pattern hair loss and are likely to see the growth results that you desire.

How does the spray actually work?


The hair loss spray has been designed with ease of use in mind. You can simply apply it to the affected areas of your scalp twice each day, once in the morning and then again in the evening. The Finasteride gets to work and reduces the level of DHT in your scalp. When it binds to your hair follicles, DHT prevents them from growing, which is the primary cause of male pattern hair loss.

Minoxidil then works to increase the flow of blood to the affected areas of your scalp. This ensures your follicles have the nutrients they require to grow and thrive. When used in conjunction, Finasteride and Minoxidil represent your best chance of combatting male pattern hair loss. You can either take them separately or opt for a treatment that is combined, as is the case with the topical Finasteride-Minoxidil spray.

As is the case when you’re using any type of medication, you need to be consistent when taking it. You should also be aware that it won’t work 100% of the time, and hair loss treatments can vary from man to man. So, monitor your results and check in with a health professional if the Finasteride-Minoxidil spray doesn’t have the results that you expect.

Are there other ways to treat male pattern hair loss?

If you’ve researched how to treat male pattern hair loss, you will almost certainly be aware of the benefits of Finasteride and Minoxidil. Instead of the topical spray, you can take Finasteride tablets orally and you can use a Minoxidil serum. You should note that these are the only two medications that have been clinically proven to treat male pattern hair loss. However, other products can work for some men.

For instance, Biotin can play an effective role in hair loss treatment, as it contributes to the growth of proteins in your hair. What’s more, utilising a DHT-blocking shampoo can strengthen the effectiveness of Finasteride, and can reduce the impact that DHT has on the miniaturisation of the hair follicles on your scalp. Again, just like Finasteride and Minoxidil, they won’t work 100% of the time, but they’re likely to improve the growth of your hair. You can also make some dietary changes to help your hair, and focusing on nutritious, wholesome foods is a great place to start. After all, your hair has a much better chance of remaining healthy if you feed it properly.

Kick-start your hair loss treatment today


Combining Finasteride and Minoxidil is arguably the best way to treat male pattern hair loss. Click here to get started with Sons’ popular topical spray and work towards the hair goals that you have set for yourself this year.