8 Tips to Look Great as You Age

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Our ambition is to age gracefully and youthfully. Aging is unquestionably a blessing, and the acquisition of knowledge and experience should not be avoided. Looking and feeling your best as you get older isn’t only about wearing facial sunscreen on a daily basis. There are a lot more elements to consider and there’s nothing wrong with wanting your skin to appear more lush, radiant, and wrinkle-free. Here are 10 tips that will make you look and feel your best at any age.

1. Exercise regularly

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All the body’s critical organs, including the skin, benefit from the improved circulation of blood oxygen and essential nutrients. To put it another way, when you exercise you benefit both internal organs such as the heart and lungs and also external organs such as the skin. Take part in physical activity such as walking or jogging for at least 30 minutes daily. Remember Covid-19 is still with us so wear your 3 Ply Disposable Face mask and keep a safe distance from other people as you take part in these activities.

2. Cleanse and moisturize your skin frequently

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Before going to bed, always fully remove by washing, the day’s buildup of cosmetics, sunscreen, and sebum from your face. Throughout the day, the skin on your face is continually coated with germs, pollutants, viruses, debris, and old (dead) skin cells. These pollutants are removed by daily facial cleansing, giving the face a new appearance. Devote enough time every day to wash your face. This will help you achieve radiant skin, and you will be able to keep it that way for a long time.

After cleansing your skin, moisturize it. This will help keep the skin’s barrier from becoming irritated. It also aids in the prevention as well as the restoration of dry skin. When choosing a moisturizer, consider your skin type and check the label. Look for moisturizers that are less likely to induce allergic reactions and also less likely to block your pores.

3. Drink more water

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Our bodies are made up of mostly water and the skin is our largest organ. This means it’s important to stay hydrated to avoid your skin getting dry, dull, and wrinkled. Water keeps your body moisturized and rejuvenated, and it also maintains the flexibility of your skin. By drinking a lot of water you will have fewer blemishes, soft lines, and creases. Carry and store your water in a glass bottle to keep it fresh and pure and avoid the risk of contaminants getting in it.

4. Draw attention to your eyes

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Highlighting your eyes gives them a lovely, glowing radiance that looks naturally lit-from-within, it lights the eye area and quickly brightens the skin. Aging can easily detract from your youthful appearance which is mirrored in your eyes. It’s a good thing, though, because fake eyelashes can help keep your eyes from looking fatigued. You may hide your tired eyes, as well as any aging indications that may already be visible, with your falsies from false lashes manufacturers Starseed. Starseed makes stylish, beautiful, and fantastic eyelashes that you will love to wear on any occasion. Click here for more information.

5. Get your beauty rest

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Your skin’s blood flow improves when you sleep. The organ regenerates collagen and repairs UV damage, reducing creases and age spots. Sleep deprivation dries up your skin, causing wrinkles to deepen and become more obvious. Get at least 7 hours of sleep daily. This will help your skin regenerate and mend its cells.

6. Eat foods rich in vitamin C

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Vitamin C also referred to as ascorbic acid can be found in a wide variety of foods, especially fruits and vegetables. It’s well-known for its antioxidant properties, as well as its benefits on skin health and immune function. Raw guava, orange juice, strawberries and tomato juice are foods that are amongst the richest sources of vitamin C.

Vitamin C is required for the production of collagen, which is necessary for the creation and preservation of bones and skin. Collagen strengthens the skin and reduces wrinkles and dryness, which may help slow down the aging process. You can also buy collagen water drinks at Obvi to boost collagen in your body.

7. Check your posture

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We have a tendency to hunch or develop what is known as a hunched posture as we get older. This not only makes us look older, but it also causes us a great deal of discomfort. Maintaining good posture, sleeping on a level platform without a cushion, and taking care of your spinal health are all excellent strategies to make us look great as we age. Your best tools to prevent postural changes are a healthy lifestyle with frequent exercise and standing up straight.

8. Wear sunscreen with antioxidant properties

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Sunscreen helps slow down the natural aging process of your skin. Going out in the sun without protection can harm your skin’s collagen and connective fibers, causing it to lose firmness and wrinkle. Sunscreens filter out harmful UV rays and protect your skin from the sun. It’s inevitable that even with the sunscreen, some radiation will still get through your skin and damage it. This is where antioxidants come in. Antioxidants aid in the strengthening of the skin’s natural barrier, providing additional moisture and protection. Wear antioxidant-infused sunscreen to get double protection for your skin and keep it looking great always.


Aging is inevitable, but it can also be a brilliant thing, albeit it isn’t always easy to age gracefully. With the aforementioned tips, you can look and feel wonderful. So, why not age gracefully and elegantly, and perhaps reclaim your natural glow?