Stop, Think, Vape: Ten Ways to Buy the Right CBD Vape Pen in 2024

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The more the general public shake off their misconceptions about CBD and embrace the medical and mental benefits, the more people will think about investing in a vape pen. Vaping is by far the most effective method to consume your CBD. Not only does it give you a faster, more effective dosage, it’s also incredibly easy to consume.

However, like many products online, doing a bit of prior research is always a good idea so that you don’t get sucked into the wrong hole. Here’s a few things to think about before making your final decision.

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Fortunately, CBD pens are not as expensive as you would have thought. Even so, the options are endless, and the chances of stumbling across someone selling a product at a high price, that also appears premium, is high. We’d recommend investing in a starter kit. Not only will this give you the chance to sample a few flavours, but you don’t have to worry about any sort of installation. HighKind is a fantastic brand for this sort of thing – we’d suggest checking out their starter vape pen kits.


While CBD vape pens are probably the simplest way to consume CBD, you’ll probably come across a few kits that contain temperature controls and adjustable voltage. If you’re ready to jump into the deep end, we’d definitely think it’s not too complicated to get to grips with. If you’re looking for the easiest and smoothest ride possible, you should probably be looking at disposable vape pens, which are ready to use straight from the package.


Make sure you do enough research before investing in your CBD – especially if you’re looking to invest a decent amount of money. As opposed to the disposable pens, tank or pen style kits are usually more reliable and function more efficiently. Just remember: high price doesn’t necessarily mean high quality.

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Vape Oil

With all this talk of your new CBD pen, it might be easy to forget how important your CBD oil is. Investing money in premium, uncut oils (such as on HighKind) can significantly improve your CBD vaping experience. Many companies will pump their oils full of additives and preservatives to make up for the lack of terpene profiles. We’d strongly recommend that you avoid these oils and head for the entirely organic products. Not only will you have an optimum experience, you’ll feel the health benefits too.


Depending on where you live, vaping discretion takes up varying levels of importance when deciding which CBD vape pen to go for. Vape pens are typically very discreet when it comes to CBD and look almost identical to your standard vape pens. We suggest bearing it in mind before making a purchase.


For any cloud chaser, convenience should be at the top of the priority list. If you’ve haven’t found yourself in a sticky situation yet, you should know that it can be a nightmare if your vaping pen is too complicated. We’d recommend looking for a convenient, small and accessible CBD pen when you’re just getting started. This way you can make it easier for yourself to carry your pen around with you and when taking it on long journeys. Make sure you check out battery life too – you don’t want to be running out every few hours with a shoddy charge.

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Carrying on in the same note, simplicity is the key to brilliance when it comes to CBD vaping pens. Making that switch into vaping CBD should be as simple as possible when you’re just starting off. Find some solid reviews and make sure that nothing’s going to be too confusing for starters. There’s plenty of starter sets out there that have all your CBD ready to go and charged up as soon as you open the box. Remember – simplicity equals a more enjoyable experience.


An easy thing to get wrong when you’re starting out on your CBD vaping journey is temperature. This will be one of the more technical aspects of the buying process when you set out on your search. If you buy a badly built vaping pen, the temperature can very often overheat and completely ruin your CBD oil. For us – the ideal temperature is always around 210°C, but you can drop down to 180°C if that’s more to your tastes. Either way, we can’t stress the importance of double-checking your vape pen has a temperature gauge and you’re able to easily change it.


Like anything else, when you’re investing in a CBD pen, efficiency should be at the very heart of your final decision. If you’re spending money on oils that are being recklessly used by your poor vaping pen, it’s going to add up in the long run. Always make sure that your product is as efficient with your oil as possible. It might not sound like a big deal, but in the long run it can really make a difference to your wallet.

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It doesn’t matter if you’re buying a bed or a vaping pen, the build of your product has to be tip top. Searching for that higher build quality will do you some massive favours in the long run. If you’re travelling around a lot, high durability should be a no-brainer for when you make your final decision. Check around for some reviews that might highlight bad quality builds and pens that too easily break.

Of course, if you’re buying disposable products your priorities should be different, but anyone looking to invest in a long-term pen should look at the build. It might be a good idea to head down to a local CBD/vape shop and get some hands-on experience with the product. This way you can easily test durability and comfort.

Along with the info in this blog, it’s always best to do some research into the specifics of certain brands and sites before committing to a purchase. There’s no better way to enjoy CBD than with a vape pen – so pick your favourite flavours and enjoy!