10 Simple Self-Care Habits for Expecting Mothers

Simple Self-Care Habits for Expecting Mothers

Self-care is essential for expecting mothers as they need to protect their well-being to ensure a healthy pregnancy. While a full day at the spa may sound blissful, practicing self-care doesn’t always equate to pampering. Here are 10 simple and inexpensive self-care habits you can practice during pregnancy.

1. Drink plenty of water

Drink plenty of water
Source: unsplash.com

Expecting mothers are more prone to dehydration, which can lead to serious health complications if left unaddressed. According to the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, pregnant women should drink eight to 12 cups or 64 to 96 ounces of water daily.

Staying hydrated can prevent the occurrence of a Urinary Tract Infection, and constipation, and ensure that your amniotic fluid remains at a healthy level. You can also carry a reusable water bottle with you to efficiently track your water intake. Drink often, and double your water consumption during hot weather conditions.

2. Get moving

As your pregnancy progresses, it is important that you exercise often to help your growing body adjust to all the physical changes. Remember to consult with your doctor first before starting any fitness program. If you were physically active pre-pregnancy, you most likely be able to do low to moderate-intensity exercises such as swimming, low-impact aerobics, brisk walking, indoor stationary cycling, and modified pilates or yoga.

Staying active can help prepare your body for birth, increase energy levels, reduce discomfort, lessen constipation, and promote healthy weight gain. If you feel uncomfortable or experience pain while exercising, stop the activity immediately and contact your healthcare provider.

3. Eat properly

Source: unsplash.com

Eating a well-balanced diet should be part of your daily self-care routine. Eating well helps ensure that you and your little one get the essential nutrients for a safe and healthy pregnancy. Some essential nutrients you need to focus on include folate, vitamin D, calcium, iron, and protein.

Strive to eat a variety of food in different colors every day. Discuss with your doctor or nutritionist for possible diet recommendations that suit your pregnancy needs. If you’re suffering from morning sickness, concentrate on eating food items you can keep down. Consider spacing out your meals and be mindful of your food portions.

4. Spend more time with nature

Being in the presence of nature can significantly uplift your spirits and reduce your stress levels. Whether it’s walking your dog in the park, brisk walking around the neighborhood, or basking in the sun in the safety of your backyard, make it a point to spend a few hours or even minutes outdoors.

However, avoid going outdoors on hot and humid days, and always wear sunscreen to protect your skin from sun damage.

5. Go on a digital detox

Source: unsplash.com

While technology clearly has its benefits, the online world can be a source of stress for expecting mothers. Since you’re more susceptible to mood swings due to the surge of pregnancy hormones, you must exert effort to keep your emotional health in check.

Limit your social media screen time, as too much time, can lead to mental and emotional distress. If you’re not dependent on your gadgets for work, try to unplug at least once or twice a week. Use this time to reconnect with loved ones, prepare for your baby’s arrival, and reflect on your future role as a parent.

6. Dress in comfortable clothing

With your body getting bigger and heavier, it is natural to feel self-conscious while pregnant. Dressing in stylish and appropriate maternity wear can significantly boost your confidence and comfort level. Find flexible clothes that can accommodate your growing belly no matter your pregnancy stage.

However, avoid overhauling your wardrobe or buying expensive or branded pregnancy outfits, as you will only wear them for a short period. If your budget is limited, consider borrowing from friends or family members who have recently given birth. You can also visit askher.com, a question-and-answer platform, and read the maternity clothing recommendations of other expecting mothers.

7. Get adequate sleep

Source: unsplash.com

Getting proper rest is another key element of a healthy pregnancy self-care routine. Since pregnancy can be draining and demanding, it is vital that you get plenty of sleep. However, getting adequate sleep can be challenging due to hormonal changes. Find a bedtime routine that complements your lifestyle and satisfies your needs and preferences. For instance, a soothing bath might do wonders for your aching joints, increasing your chances of getting quality rest.

Transform your bedroom into a relaxing haven, and make it a habit to turn off your gadgets before sleeping. While sleeping in any position during the first few weeks of pregnancy is relatively safe, avoid sleeping on your back after your fifth month, as it can restrict blood circulation between you and your baby. If sleep eludes you at night, make sure to take frequent naps during the day.

8. Reconnect with your partner

If you’re sharing this parenting journey with your spouse or a significant loved one, spend as much meaningful time with each other, doing the activities you enjoy. Use this period as an opportunity to strengthen your relationship so that you can provide a caring and loving environment for your little one.

9. Start a daily journal

Source: unsplash.com

Another self-care habit that can significantly help during pregnancy is journaling. Writing down your innermost thoughts and feelings can lessen your anxiety and help you process all the changes you’ve been experiencing.

Having a journal can help you keep track of your development, so you can easily convey any alarming concerns you may have to your doctor. It can also serve as a beautiful reminder of this exciting time of your life, so try to write as often and unfiltered as you can.

10. Set healthy relationship boundaries

While well-meaning family members can be a great source of support during this exciting period, they can also trigger unwanted stress and anxiety. Setting healthy boundaries early on can help ensure you won’t burn bridges with your loved ones. Speak with them privately so you can efficiently communicate your concerns with each family member. Say no to unrealistic demands and prioritize your needs over others.

Establishing a positive and efficient self-care routine is vital for a healthy pregnancy. Start these habits early, and remember to enjoy your pregnancy journey.