Nursing Degrees: Main Difference, Main Purposes


Studying to become a nurse can last a different amount of time, depending on the chosen difficulty level and commitment. Of course, an essential factor is that the higher the level, the higher the salary and status. However, are you ready for all the time spent on education? Let’s discuss this in more detail and discuss the main features and differences between the various nursing degrees.

Things We Should Know About Nurses

Everybody watches medical TV dramas, yet few understand the levels of the certifications and the corresponding responsibilities that each of the levels implies. In fact, an ordinary nurse (as in our common understanding) also has specific qualifications and certain responsibilities. And she will occupy a particular place not only in the hierarchy of the medical institution as such but also in the internal nursing community.

In addition, to become a nurse, you need to learn sometimes no less time than a doctor. Also, in this profession, the personal qualities of a person matter more than in the medical profession: it is essential for a nurse to be friendly, helpful, hardworking, and understanding. Only hard skills won’t do the job – soft skills are critical for similar jobs which require constant work with people.

However, educational tasks are also crucial for obtaining qualifications, so nurses study like others, cram theory, and write research papers. It’s hard enough to do this when you’re focused on the practical application of your knowledge – but there is a way out, and that’s to let us help you with this daunting task, so you can focus on what matters to you most.

Types of Nursing Degrees: What Are the Differences?


In general, there are six main levels of this formation:

1. Certified Nursing Assistant Diploma

These nurses are aids to the doctors and other medical staff. Their main responsibilities include patient care – hygiene procedures, assistance in feeding, getting dressed, and other activities that the patient needs help with. In some states, nursing assistants also control the intake of medications by patients.

To obtain this degree level, one should complete an education program that usually lasts just a few weeks. Afterward, there is an exam that brings you to earning a certification.

2. Licensed Practical Nurse Diploma

Practical nurses deal with the practical part of medical care: monitor the patient’s condition, take their blood pressure, change bandages, charge IV drips, etc.

To get this license, one must complete a special one-year program and pass an examination. Additionally, some nurses obtain complementary certifications that register their progress and development.

3. Associate Degree in Nursing

This degree offers advanced patient care and decision-making skills. Specialists with these degrees are called “registered” and are the ones that assume many more responsibilities in their work. They are not just subordinate to doctors but cooperate with them: they fully collect anamnesis, monitor symptoms, prescribed medications, reactions to them, test results, etc. Besides, CNA and LPN nurses are their subordinates.

The associate degree can be obtained through a two-year educational program.

4. Bachelor of Science in Nursing


Bachelor’s degree in nursing allows one to get a registered nurse position as well. However, it might imply even more power and responsibilities. Alternatively, this difference is also positively reflected in the worker’s salary.

Educational programs last longer on this level – about four years.

5. Master of Science in Nursing

A Master’s degree provides an opportunity to work as an “advanced practice registered nurse.” Career options are more comprehensive on this level and give more independence in decision-making: nurses may also function as midwives, anesthetists, educators and supervise other nurses.

Just like with other majors, you must first obtain a bachelor’s degree and then spend another two years getting a master’s degree.

6. Doctor of Nursing Practice

This degree is the final in the nursing education hierarchy. At the highest level, nurses acquire a narrower specialization in public healthcare and can work as healthcare executives who handle the efficiency of the hospitals.

The educational process requires previous bachelor’s and master’s degrees, while the doctoral program lasts about three years.

Benefits of Nursing Degrees


Nursing degrees provide students with a solid base of knowledge in both medical science and the humanities. They provide the tools to help patients gain access to quality health care through critical thinking, research-based approaches, and compassionate care. With an educated nurse workforce, healthcare organizations can improve patient outcomes by addressing individual medical needs according to standards established by the government.

These degrees open up many doors for more specialized areas of practice. With advanced degrees in nursing, nurses can pursue careers in areas such as public health or community health nursing so they can work with communities that have suffered from economic or social distress. Nurses with a master’s or doctoral degree can pursue higher-level roles such as nurse practitioner or even administrative roles like that of a hospital administrator.

Caregivers are also actively recruited to fill executive positions because they are equipped with both scientific knowledge and people skills–valuable qualifications for making decisions that foster good communication among staff members as well as make sure the highest standards of patient care are met. In addition to offering new career paths within their respective fields, nurses who earn additional credentials may find themselves top contenders for higher-level positions due to their specialized knowledge base.



So, a nurse’s career obtaining is not simple, whatever way you choose – take CNA courses or apply for DNP.  This profession is still considered more accessible and not as prestigious as the profession of a doctor. However, nursing specialization has its own responsibilities and a high demand for certain personal qualities and the ability to find an approach to each person.

Also, nurses have a wide choice of education levels – each successive one opens up new work opportunities and horizons. Each level also requires more dedication, as well as nursing essay writing and working on other paper assignments. Yet, the sense of the importance and purpose of your work is beyond anything else. Especially since now, there are several helpful & reliable services that will be happy to help with academic assignments, taking on most of the written tasks.