Importance of Removing Your Wisdom Teeth

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Your last adult teeth to grow into place are your back molars, which are commonly known as wisdom teeth. Most people experience growth on both sides of their bottom and top jaw, and not always without complications.

A common problem people face is that they don’t have enough space in their jaw to accommodate these new molars. This can lead to your other teeth shifting and even problems like your wisdom teeth growing sideways and infections.

In some situations, your dentist can suggest surgery to remove your wisdom teeth. If that has been a recommendation put forward, you may be wondering why. Here are some of the main reasons why dentists recommend removal.

Reduce the Risk of Inflammation, Infection, and Oral Disease

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According to, since wisdom teeth don’t always grow into place as they should, you can be at a high risk of wisdom tooth infection. Being located at the back of your mouth can make them hard to clean, and their angling and any impaction may cause them to experience infections or cavities. Essentially, their positioning means you may not be able to give them the care they need to remain healthy.

While some dentists may recommend repairs or medication, many will also recommend removal. Failure to take action, even if just out of anxiety or stress associated with a dentist visit may lead to severe infections that affect your nerves and enter your bloodstream. This can lead to sepsis, which can be a life-threatening condition.

Avoid Orthodontic Problems

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Overcrowding can be a genuine problem associated with wisdom teeth growth. Without enough room on the top and bottom of your jaw, they can overcrowd your other teeth. Over time and left untreated, those wisdom teeth can start to push your other teeth out of the way, causing alignment problems. Later, you may require corrective surgery to align your teeth once more.

If you’ve already spent your hard-earned money on corrective procedures in the past, the growth of your wisdom teeth can see all that work undone and money wasted.

Prevent Damage

Even if you brush your teeth and floss daily, wisdom teeth can wreak havoc before you even realize it. As they grow, they may be putting your adjacent molars at increased risk of weakening and root loss. They can also grind away the enamel of neighboring teeth, leaving them increasingly vulnerable to bone loss and cavities.

Once your wisdom teeth have grown through, they can then be incredibly challenging to keep clean. As a result, you may still need to get them removed in the future due to that increased risk of oral disease and procedures like root canals and fillings.

Alleviate Pain and Discomfort

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You may not realize it at the time, but wisdom teeth can cause significant pain and discomfort while they are trying to grow into place. You may experience headaches from the pressure, as well as heightened tooth and gum sensitivity.

This can all take its toll on your physical and mental health. By seeing your dentist about wisdom teeth removal, you may be able to take care of that pain and discomfort before it starts impacting your daily life.

Reduce the Risk of Jaw Damage, Cysts, and Tumors

It may be hard to believe that simply leaving your wisdom teeth to grow into place can lead to tumor growth, but it’s a possibility.

Impacted wisdom teeth that aren’t adequately cared for can be at risk of bacteria growth.

This can put you at risk of tumors and cysts that grow on your jawbone and cause significant joint pain.

Alleviate Sinus Problems

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The mouth and nose are linked, which means that wisdom teeth can cause sinus pain, along with congestion and pressure. If you have been experiencing sinus problems at the same time that your wisdom teeth are growing into place, consider paying a visit to your local dentist for advice.

Do Wisdom Teeth Always Need to Be Removed?

Given how many people visit their dentists for wisdom teeth removal, you might think that everyone needs to have them removed. However, that’s not always the case. If your wisdom teeth are healthy, have grown in well, and are well-positioned with your adjacent teeth, there may be no need to remove them.

Your dentist may also not see the need for removal if they don’t affect your bite and are easy to reach with a toothbrush and floss. If you’re not sure, make an appointment for a checkup to find out more.

What to Expect After Removal

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After you’ve been through wisdom teeth removal with local or general anesthesia or sedation, there are a number of things to expect in the immediate hours and days after your procedure.

You will likely experience some pain and swelling, along with blood in your mouth. Your dentist may advise on which painkillers to take and how to care for your mouth while it heals. Avoid smoking, alcohol, and caffeine, and don’t drink or eat with a straw. You may consume soft foods after surgery when you feel comfortable doing so.

Many people feel fully recovered from wisdom teeth removal within just a few days, but the healing process from impacted wisdom teeth may take longer. While you’re healing, refrain from doing anything that may dislodge the blood clots over your wound and the stitches.

This can include spitting, strenuous exercise, smoking, and drinking from a straw.

Some ideal foods to consume after wisdom teeth surgery can be soup, mashed potatoes, apple sauce, cottage cheese, soup, and smoothies. Avoid eating anything too hot or cold and small ingredients like seeds and nuts that may get stuck in your wound site.

If you experience any unexpected pain, swelling, or discomfort, consult your dentist for advice. They may recommend painkillers or antibiotics to prevent infections.

As much as a trip to the dentist is most people’s least favorite thing to do, it can be worth it when your wisdom teeth start growing into place. With so many potential complications, removal may be necessary sooner rather than later. Make an appointment with your dentist without delay.