How To Find JavaScript Developer Job in 2024

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Hello newcomers! The demand for the JavaScript programming language is growing rapidly. In 2024, he took one of the first places in international popularity ratings. This is not surprising, because the possibilities of JavaScript are expanding, and it is the best solution for people who are just starting to learn programming. The multi-paradigm IT language has earned the love and recognition of front-end developers. If you are one of those who have mastered the JavaScript technology and are now looking for work, then this article ‘How To Find a JavaScript Developer Job’ is for you. Let’s start from the beginning.

JavaScript is a programming language that is currently almost the most popular tool for creating websites. And today almost everyone wants to have their own website on the Internet, from large transnational corporations to small companies, up to individual entrepreneurs. And it’s not surprising that many organizations want to have JavaScript specialists on their staff. Of course, such specialists are ready to pay decent salaries. Today, JavaScript developers are not only in great demand, this demand also continues to grow further from month to month. Today, the direction of web development is on a very big rise. JavaScript is also supported by any operating system, you can easily integrate it with any browser.

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Finally, JavaScript is a tool that is easy to use and very visual. Often people, if they decide to change the scope of their work, are usually recommended to start developing in IT just with JavaScript. And if a specialist is also a professional in this field and has studied other programming languages, then even a very large company will be happy to invite such an employee to a highly paid job. In any case, in our time, there is simply nowhere without knowledge of JavaScript, and, therefore, the need for good front-end developers is constantly growing. Various “product” companies, as well as companies that create websites, make mobile and web applications for their customers, companies from the E-commerce sector, are primarily interested in JavaScript developers. As for the size of companies, there is a slightly wider spread. There are applications from both industry leaders and small teams creating only a couple of software products. Sometimes such specialists are even looked for by startups that promise good prospects for their employees.

A JavaScript newbie may well find a job, and there are several ways to do this. You can independently take orders on freelance platforms, take them through friends and relatives. Create small sites, sometimes for free, thus building up your own portfolio, acquiring the necessary practical experience and skills. Your project, successfully implemented, will be a good help in finding a job. The second way is to start working, for example, with the profession of a layout designer, and then gradually move on to learning JavaScript itself and the most popular frameworks and necessary technologies during development. You can also come to work as a front-end developer in a company that is currently working with its own projects – this path is more difficult than the previous ones. Many large IT companies also have their own resources to provide additional training to their JavaScript developers. Read more how to hire javascript developer.

Accordingly, such companies are ready to accept novice specialists both for starting positions and for internships. The duration of the internship is determined individually in each firm, it often depends on the intern himself, how initiative he is and fits into the team, and on the company’s policy. Most often, an internship corresponds to a probationary period, and it usually lasts 3 months. After that, the company has already made a decision on accepting a programmer for the position of Junior JavaScript front-end developer. I want to give a practical recommendation to those who are studying this direction, you need to immediately master native JavaScript itself, as well as its modern standard. After that, you can already proceed to the study of the most popular and most frequently used JavaScript frameworks. We are talking about tools such as React / Redux, as well as Angular.JS. Many companies often indicate mandatory experience with such frameworks among the requirements for an applicant.

What features are waiting for you at work as a JavaScript developer in the IT company? As it was previously said, JavaScript programmers have been and continue to be indispensable specialists in the labor market, performing the following amount of work:

  • code development for companies that create software products;
  • correction or revision of existing code;
  • maintaining the functionality of the created product;
  • debugging and bug fixing;
  • interaction with testers, web designers and other members of the development team.
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A JavaScript programmer must have a deep knowledge of HTML and CSS, experience is required to be successful in this area. A talented programmer, having successfully worked as an intern for 1 year, can apply for a more interesting and highly paid vacancy. At the same time, JS programmers must be literate, because they will have to correspond with customers and developers very often. It is important to be able to properly distribute responsibilities and plan a work schedule.

Now you know what you will be required to do at work and you can start looking for it. JavaScript programmers will be able to find vacancies in agencies involved in the creation, debugging, support of various sites, web products. You can work remotely or make a choice in favor of official employment, focusing on your own characteristics and wishes. Please be ready that it is difficult for a programmer without experience to find a job.

  • Having received a specialized education, be sure to complete several simple or free projects that you can use in your portfolio in the future. To show employers your skills, you need a portfolio. Luckily, you can have about 10 projects: 5 in HTML and CSS and 5 in JavaScript. Make sure you upload everything to GitHub so future employers can look and see how well you are doing. Now you can upload new projects to the portfolio site. Use your JavaScript knowledge to add interactivity, such as a pop-up description on hover, a slideshow, or even a mini-game. Your GitHub profile is perhaps the most important thing a potential employer will pay attention to after a resume. A profile with several running projects will definitely attract additional attention. Moreover, “GitHub analyzers” are becoming more and more popular among recruiting services – special programs that, using the code stored in GitHub, find for developers with the necessary technology stack. Everything that is created by your hands works, and it may be interesting for the employer to appear in your GitHub profile.
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  • How to communicate with recruiters? Recruiters know what the company wants, know about jobs that aren’t on job boards, and want you to get the job. To get your resume into the hands of as many recruiters as possible, you need to apply for jobs on different sites. When talking to a recruiter, be considerate and polite. Sometimes recruiters will offer jobs that are not suitable for you. This should be taken lightly, because somewhere they might have reserved the perfect job for you.
  • Never stop studying! It is possible that you will not be called for an interview in the first week, and it will take more than one month to go to different interviews. In the meantime, you can improve your skills. JavaScript libraries tend to make life a lot easier for a developer. One of the most popular libraries is jQuery. It helps with DOM manipulation, object functions, arrays and more.
  • Participate in professional communities. According to statistics, about half of employers are interested in the participation of potential employees in professional communities. Every fourth employer was able to recall a case when active participation in professional communities helped one of the candidates to get a job. Therefore, if you are creating some kind of mini-project, do not hesitate to share it with the community.
  • Constantly create projects even when you are looking for work. This is another way to improve your JavaScript skills. Projects should improve your skills, so if they are too simple or complex, stop and start the project at an acceptable level. When creating a project, you may need new skills so you should be able to learn during the development process.


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In a world that is digitalized every day, you need to strive to get a job in an IT company as soon as possible. Even a Junior JavaScript Developer position is a good option in your case. To get a job, you need at least two things: learn HTML, CSS and JavaScript and create a portfolio of projects. Once you do this, you can look for work on various online resources, for example, GitHub.

Prepare well for interviews and keep learning while you wait for a job offer. The world is constantly changing, and IT is no exception. It is quite difficult to attract the attention of an employer without experience. Thanks for reading the article ‘‘How To Find JavaScript Developer Job’. Hope that the above tips will help someone get a job at a promising company.  You can hire an expert here: