Trump Is Winning Over Black Male Votes, Black Women “He Gave Up On”

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According to NBCNews, only 7% of black people approved of Trump in 2016, but that number has now doubled to 14%. Furthermore, the poll revealed that while just 6% of black women approve of our current president, a much larger 24% of black men do.

Image source: TheDailyBeast

Congresswoman Karen Bass said: “Trump is attempting to shave off 2-3% of the [Democrats] black male vote. He does this by highlighting his record of success on issues like the economy, criminal justice reform, and donating money to HBCUs to win over black voters in his first term. He gave up on black women”.

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The reason for Trump’s growing approval rating amongst black men is simple – his persona. “Trump’s business success, his gangsta personal style, and close association with black male celebrities”, said the source to Vox.

The polls indicate a growing percentage of potential black male voters that could give Trump an edge in battleground states in November.