7 Benefits of Childcare Services for Working Parents

A preschool boy of Hispanic ethnicity sits next to his teacher as she is reading him a book on the classroom floor.

Once two people become parents, milestones begin to pile up. And it feels like there are tons of them during the first year. You go through the first sleepless nights, hiccups, vomiting, first smiles and looks that tell you all about how much your baby loves you, first waving, then crawling around the house, sloppy little steps, opening all sorts of drawers, the first word that thrills you.

And suddenly, the first year is in the past, and your little child is no longer a baby, but a real little boy or girl. This is the time when most parents start thinking about childcare services, which come as a perfect solution for working parents.

Enrolling your child in some kind of childcare service is sometimes the only option for working parents. Many of them feel guilty for having to leave a child in the collective for six to eight hours a day, but it has been proven that such services have many benefits for children. Therefore, experts say, childcare service is an acceptable and positive choice. Read about all the benefits childcare services offer to working parents.

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1. You are giving your child a positive experience

By entering a childcare facility, the child gets to know a whole new world; it separates from his parents for a long time, meets new adults who take care of it, meets its peers, finds new incentives, activities and toys.

Initially, separation from parents and the adjustment process can be difficult for both the parent and the child, but once the child adjusts and discovers what places like kindergarten has, time for play begins and so do all the benefits it brings.

2. You are encouraging its independence

The first thing parents know to notice when going to kindergarten is the independence of the child; the child is more and more starting to use cutlery, take off and put on flip-flops or a jacket, fall asleep on his own if he sleeps and although it seems to you that he can’t do anything at home and you need to put snacks directly in his mouth, in kindergarten it starts to work.

Time is spent with other children, it is given space to be independent, try and experience things, watch others do things. Most importantly, however, it is given the trust and responsibility to do what is necessary, and to do it alone.

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3. You are making sure your child prepares for school

Since it is the first time leaving the parent nest, it’s a great way to decrease anxieties about going to school. If it goes to kindergarten, for example, separation due to going to school will be much easier.

In addition, children attending kindergarten do better in school. A survey conducted in 2016 showed that 5-year-old children enrolled in kindergartens have better reading and math skills compared to those who spent time at home.

It is because the programs are specially designed by professionals working with children. Click here to learn more about what kind of programs you can expect your child to go through in a childcare service facility.

4. These services make children better in communication

Any childcare service is a great opportunity to socialize children at an early age and help them acquire communication skills.

A 2013 study says that children in kindergartens have the ability to adjust nonverbal communication depending on the age of the child they are playing with.

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5. Children attending kindergarten are more likely to have university degrees

A study by the University of North Carolina’s Institute for Child Development found that adults who were involved in kindergarten programs as children were four times more likely to complete college education and were more likely to be employed continuously.

6. Kindergarten helps strengthen immunity

Although kindergarten children are often ill, this will prove to be good later. A study published in the Archives of Pediatric and Adolescent Medicine found that children enrolled in collectives before the age of 3 and a half were more prone to respiratory infections and ear diseases, but were less likely to encounter such diseases at school.

7. Kindergarten children will find it easier to accept healthy food

Kindergarten children are more willing to taste nutritionally rich food because everyone in the collective eats together, according to a study in the Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics.

Willingness to accept such food while the children are small pays off later when the parents prepare it at home.

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Let’s face it, for all of what is written above, working parents can hardly find time to do anything. And if you want only what is best for your child, then childcare services are the thing you’re going to go for, as soon as you can. Yes, there’s always a choice of leaving your child to the grandparents while you’re at work.

And, yes, it can be scary until they reach a point of establishing crowd immunity, but none of it seems as important as the fact that it is in your child’s best interest. After all, parenthood is a guaranteed rollercoaster ride. Whichever option you choose, you’ll never be able to predict the challenge around the corner. Uncertainty is what you get with kids, but some choices you make are guaranteed to pay off in the future. One such choice is definitely a childcare service.

Aside from this, the fact that you’ve left your child in the hands of the professionals, while you have to concentrate on making a living, is very comforting. Working in today’s world is already hard enough, especially for families. There’s never enough time to spend together, and those times that are available, have to be carefully planned to make the most of them. Living like this, one can’t help to feel bothered, and can’t help to question the quality of life he’s giving to his kids. To make all these dilemmas less bothering, childcare services are there to fill in the gaps.