Top 3 Reasons To Try CBD For Anxiety in 2024

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Heartbeat, sweaty palms, jumping thoughts: for those living with an anxiety disorder, these unwanted symptoms can make everyday life difficult. According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), one in three people in the world lives with anxiety disorder, making it the most common mental disorder in the world. For those living with anxiety, finding a safe way to manage symptoms is an important issue.

Rapid medication against anxiety can instantly alleviate stress, but it is addictive. Medicines for long-term treatment can help reduce symptoms over time, but they are not useful for everyone.

CBD has recently attracted attention as an alternative or complementary method of treating anxiety.

What is anyway, CBD? Cannabidiol (CBD) is a compound derived from a plant called Cannabis sativa. Research on CBD is still at an early stage, but more and more studies show that it can be used to get rid of it. The uniqueness of cannabidiol is that it can help people cope with anxiety with almost no side effects.

How Does The CBD Work For People With Anxiety?

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As mentioned earlier, CBD works well for people with an anxiety disorder. But how exactly does it work?

It is believed that low serotonin levels, a substance found in the human system, are the main reason people suffer from anxiety.

Helping to increase the production of this substance can help reduce anxiety.

In the past, it has been shown that CBD can be used to increase serotonin production in animals.

Such evidence suggests that CBD alters the transmission of 1a serotonin receptor signals and creates anti-anxiety effects in patients.

Although this issue has not yet been thoroughly investigated, CBD manufacturers, like, are focusing on ongoing research to help people with anxiety disorders.

Top 3 Reasons To Try CBD For Anxiety

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Some studies have shown that cannabis can help with anxiety. Others have suggested that worry is a risk factor for the recreational use of cannabis herb, or that using cannabis herb may make a person more vulnerable to anxiety.

People interested in managing their anxiety with CBD Oil should only look at cannabis research, not at generalised medical marijuana research. While there is less research on cannabis, in particular, it does speak volumes.

CBD vs. SAD and PTSD

A small study in 2010 showed that cannabis could reduce symptoms of social anxiety in people with a social anxiety disorder (SAD). Brain scans of participants revealed changes in blood flow in the brain area associated with stress.

In this study, cannabis not only made participants feel better but also altered their brain response to anxiety.

The 2016 study also examined whether cannabidiol could reduce symptoms of PTSD and sleep anxiety in a child with a history of trauma. The researchers found that cannabis reduces a child’s stress and helps him sleep.

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CBD vs. Social Anxiety

A 2011 study also showed that cannabis could reduce social anxiety. In this study, the researchers focused on cannabis to treat anxiety-related to public speaking.

CBD and Anti-anxiety Effects

Studies published in 2014 showed that CBD oil has anti-anxiety and antidepressant effects on animal models.

Analysis of subsequent studies conducted in 2015 also showed that CBD oil is a promising treatment for many forms of anxiety, including panic disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, generalised anxiety disorder, and post-traumatic stress disorder.

The report, however, warns that data on the long-term use of CBD is limited. While research indicates the vital role of cannabidiol in treating short-term anxiety, little is known about its long-term effects or how it can be used as a long-term treatment.

 A Few Words about Dosage

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There is one common mistake that users of CBD products make. They heard about the benefits they can get. More precisely, they read many articles that tell them CBD will solve their anxiety problem. We do not want to say this is the truth. However, certain medicines can also help you with some other problems. The question is – Would you start consuming them on your own?

The doctor is the only one that can tell you the right dosage of CBD. Let’s imagine that you had a friend who consumed 100mg of CBD daily. Logically, his doctor prescribed him that. It doesn’t necessarily mean that the same treatment is good for you. Explain to your doctor which problem you have and analyze the solution together.

You might hear different opinions about this subject. For instance, some nonprofit organizations said that a small number of CBD products can replicate the therapeutic effect. Despite that, some studies have shown that 300 mg or ora dose would be enough to improve your mood. As you see, you can hear different opinions about the same subject. We are not here to say which one of those researches is correct. You will get the answers when you visit a doctor.

Bonus Tip: Other Benefits of CBD

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Well, CBD is not only going to be a good treatment for anxiety. Thanks to its ingredients, it can be helpful for different health issues. These pieces of information might allow you to help someone else.

CBD Can Relieve Pain

As you might know, our body contains a so-call endocannabinoid system. This system regulates the different types of functions such as immune system response, appetite, and pain. Well, the endocannabinoids are neurotransmitters and they all bint do cannabinoid receptors in the human nervous system. If you manage to impact the activity of this type of receptor, you will reduce inflammation. In other words, the chronic pain that you experience will disappear. Fortunately, thanks to the substances that CBD contains, managing that is possible.

CBD Can Be Good for Your Skin

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The number of people that suffer from different skin problems is not small. This especially counts when we talk about acne. The causes of this skin issue can be different. For example, genetics plays a major role. However, bacteria, the overproduction of sebum, and bacteria are also common causes.

Well, believe it or not, CBD products can be good for acne treatment as well. Thanks to its anti-inflammatory properties, it can regulate the production of sebum. As we said, this is one of the most common causes. Fortunately, you came to the right place to find out that solutions do exist.

CBD Can Benefit Heart Health

There is no need to talk here about certain statistics and researches. You know very well that many people suffer from high blood pressure. The consequences of this problem can be tough and our health is usually the number one victim. Certain health conditions can be a heart attack, metabolic syndrome, and stroke.

Well, one of the abilities of CBD is to lower high blood pressure. However, we need to repeat once again a very important thing. Do not experiment with things independently. Go to a doctor and analyze your health condition. If CBD will work, your doctor won’t hesitate to prescribe it to you.