Parents In Shelby County Schools, TN Are Taking Corona Virus Protection...

FOX13 - An employee that worked at Treadwell Elementary School and Treadwell Middle School in Memphis, TN, was in contact with someone that tested...

The Most Popular Health Benefits of CBD Oil

CBD Oil is already known to help with many different conditions, and people seem to love its beneficial effects it has over our health....

Why Is the Older Age Group More Likely to Use Medical...

There has been an incremental shift seen in older people as they are shifting towards using medical marijuana as a source of treatment. This...

7 Causes of Overproduction of Free Radicals in the Body

Free radicals are found in the body, and the immune system uses them to fight against infection. However, when the level of free radicals...

4 Supplements That Rapidly Boost Testosterone

Testosterone is at the heart of men's health, and unfortunately it's on the decline, aggressively so. Generation after generation, a substantial drop in serum...

7 Mistakes People Make When Buying CBD Cigarettes

We have already heard about the many benefits of this plant, as well as its various forms with which they are familiar. In addition...

The 411 on Ice baths

It’s pretty well known how popular ice baths are among athletes and people who like to exercise on the hardcore side. As uncomfortable as...

Hemp Seeds: Are They Good or Bad? 

Is raw hemp healthy? Many of us may have this question in mind. Hemp, or also called industrial hemp, is a controversial plant as...

Top 10 Foods You Should Never Eat with Braces

Braces require some special care to work their best. To avoid damaging the wires and brackets, you should adjust your diet temporarily. This means...

Marijuana and Chronic Pain – What You Need to Know

Medical marijuana is becoming an increasingly popular alternative method to treat chronic pain. It has the ability to ease the intensity of many types...