Car Accidents: Common Causes and Recovery Tips


The aftermath of a car crash is devastating. It doesn’t only lead to physical injuries but also leaves you with emotional scars. It’s challenging to get back on track after being a car accident victim. Even the most manageable tasks might seem difficult to complete because of the constant pain from your physical and emotional damage.

After the accident, you might be impatient to get back to your daily life. However, you cannot rush the recovery process – so give yourself time to get through it. If your injuries are severe, it might take some weeks – if not months – to recover completely. It’s not wise to jump back into your activities, as that could make things worse.

This article provides some tips on how to look after yourself during recovery. But first, let’s take a look at the common causes of car accidents.

Why do car accidents happen?

Car accidents can occur for multiple reasons. While most of them happen due to human error, others can be a consequence of external factors, like weather conditions or vehicle defects.

Educating yourself on the common causes of car crashes can help you become more vigilant on the road and take preventative measures.

1. Distracted driving

Distracted driving is one of the most common reasons car accidents happen. Contrary to popular beliefs, the brain cannot focus on multiple tasks at a time. Thus, when a driver engages in other activities, such as texting, eating or talking on the phone, the brain cannot focus on the road because it switches between tasks.

2. Reckless driving


Switching lanes rapidly, cutting drivers off and driving too close to other vehicles are just some examples of reckless driving. All of these maneuvers can lead to severe accidents. Be careful while driving and back off if anyone does these dangerous maneuvers.

3. Speeding

Whether they’re running late to work or trying to keep up with traffic, there are various reasons why people go over the speed limit. However, a faster way of driving decreases your reaction time. Let’s say you drive at 20 miles over the speed limit; in this case, your chances of preventing an accident are very low.

4. Drunk driving


Someone who drives under the influence of alcohol is a threat to themselves and other people in traffic. When you drink, your cognitive functions and senses get dimmed. Thus, you cannot react fast, and your decision-making skills are compromised.

It’s crucial to avoid getting behind the wheel after consuming alcohol. If you decide to drink, ask someone sober to take you home.

5. Running intersections

Many car accidents also happen at intersections, either because of running through red lights or stop signs. Many people are tempted to run stop signs as they get closer to their house, but that’s not worth it, as you risk harming yourself or others.

6. Weather conditions


Car crashes aren’t always caused by human error. Sometimes, external factors, such as rough weather, can create precarious conditions on the road, making it difficult to drive. Due to the slick roadways, cars can slip and slide suddenly. Thus, it’s critical to be extra careful while driving during a rainstorm.

7. Fatigue

If you feel exhausted, it’s better to stay away from the road. Fatigue is as dangerous as driving under alcohol influence because it slows reaction times. Plus, there is a high chance of falling asleep.

8. Vehicle defects

Cars are made of many components that help them function safely and smoothly. However, if one of these parts malfunctions, you might get involved in a car accident.

To get more information on car safety and accident prevention, it is essential to stay informed about regular vehicle maintenance. Conducting routine inspections, such as checking tire pressure, brake functionality, and fluid levels, can significantly reduce the risk of part failures and accidents. Additionally, staying updated on the latest safety features and technologies available in modern cars can provide valuable insights on enhancing overall safety while driving. Regularly referring to reputable sources, such as automotive manuals, online resources, and expert advice, can equip drivers with the knowledge necessary to identify and address potential issues promptly. Remember, prioritizing vehicle maintenance and staying informed can go a long way in ensuring a safer driving experience for yourself and others on the road.

How can you recover after suffering a car accident?


Follow your doctor’s recommendations

Car accidents might result in minor damage or cause severe injuries. It’s crucial to seek help from a medical expert, as they can evaluate you and ensure there aren’t any internal injuries, such as a concussion.

After the examination, your doctor will prescribe you a specific treatment that might include medication, taking a break from work, getting proper rest or any other advice that can speed up your recovery process. Make sure to follow all of your doctor’s recommendations.

Take care of your body


Your body needs fuel to function correctly. Having a balanced diet and staying hydrated will help you recover faster. Consider including foods consisting of vitamins and minerals in your diet to regain vitality. Proteins are also essential, as they give you strength and energy.

After sustaining an injury, your body dehydrates quickly. Thus, it is essential to ensure you drink enough water. If your body doesn’t get enough fluids, it cannot repair muscle damage and tissue.

Contact a legal professional


If someone else’s negligence caused the accident, getting compensation for your losses is essential. Although money cannot restore your health, it can reduce recovery costs – and they aren’t few.

There’s a lot to deal with after the accident, and the legal aspects are the last thing you want to think about. However, making a claim is your right, so you shouldn’t neglect this aspect.

Legal specialists, like the ones at Jason Stone Injury Lawyers, can help you take the proper steps and provide the support you need.

Get support for your mental health

Physical injuries aren’t the only ones that affect the quality of your life – the psychological effects of car accidents are just as devastating. Often, people disregard their hopeless thoughts because they believe no one would understand their struggle anyway. But this cannot be further from the truth.

A mental health professional can help you overcome the negative feelings caused by the accident. It’s only natural to feel scared of getting into a car again, but you have to do it at some point. The emotional trauma won’t go away on its own, so make sure to reach out to a therapist who can guide you throughout recovery. If you need legal assistance related to your situation, consider contacting a professional law firm at

How to make a strong case?

Making a strong case after a car accident is not as easy as it may look at first. If you’ve been involved in a car accident and want to make your case stronger, it’s crucial to collect evidence and documentation to support your claims. Here is a list of things you should gather:

  1. Police Report: Always call the police after an accident, regardless of its severity. The responding officer will file an official report which provides an objective record of the incident.
  2. Photos and Videos: Take pictures of the accident scene from multiple angles, the damage to all vehicles involved, any visible injuries, skid marks, road conditions, and any traffic signs or signals nearby. If there are security cameras in the area, try to secure that footage as well.
  3. Witness Statements and Contact Information: Talk to any witnesses who saw the accident happen. Take notes on what they say and collect their names, phone numbers, and addresses.
  4. Medical Records: Seek medical attention immediately, even if you feel fine. Some injuries may not be immediately apparent. Keep records of all medical visits, diagnoses, treatments, and bills.
  5. Insurance Information: Exchange insurance information with all parties involved. This includes policy numbers, phone numbers, and insurance company names.
  6. Personal Notes: As soon as you can, write down your own account of what happened leading up to, during, and after the accident. Include details like weather conditions, time of day, and any distractions or unusual events.

Final thoughts

While there are some things you can do to prevent it, there’s still a chance of becoming a car accident victim. Thus, knowing what steps to take next is crucial. The tips above are essential things you can do to accelerate the healing process.

Recovery is challenging, so make sure to arm yourself with patience and self-compassion.